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I only have one sales rep and it's me, am I a good fit for this service?"Our systems generate a lot of interest in your products/services. If you have limited bandwidth now, we get around this is by scaling our campaigns to the resources you have.
If I sign up today, how long does it take for me to talk with my first prospect?"On average, 6 weeks. We make sure to take the time to really understand your target audience and build out a quality campaign before we launch.
COVID hurt my revenue, is this going to be really expensive?"We take your success very seriously. You work hard for your money just like we do. If we do not think we can drive a VERY high ROI we will not take you on as a client. We have said "no" before and will do it again.
Our market really isn't that big, are there enough decision makers for me to sell to?"We hear this a lot and we often find your market is A LOT bigger than you think (and we'll show you how to know for sure).
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